Monday, December 12, 2005

Dating Discussion

Last night over the usual Point dinner at Red Hot and Blue a few of us ended up talking about the whole dating thing. It was an interesting discussion, but I noticed something that seems to be a common theme with most single people. It is this: singles don't know what they want.

Now, before I get jumped on for making such a statement, feel free to read on for a bit and then you can tear me apart :). What I mean by saying this is that it seems that there is such a concern for finding someone else that less time is spent being the right person. How can one know what one is looking for if one does not know who he or she is? It appears to me that the real issue in not knowing what we want is not that we don't know what it is, it is that we don't know ourselves.

I believe that the proper course of dating, should one decide to pursue that route, is to begin with the self. I think this is absolutely critical for a man because he is required to be a leader in the relationship. I wonder how many girls have been frustrated by men because the man they were with had no clue what he was doing or where he was going. We do not begin by finding someone else, we begin by being the person we are made to be. Difficult road? Certainly. Lonely at times? No doubt.

How will you know when you are at the right place? One test I might suggest is this: you know you are ready when you would rather spend the rest of your life single than be with the wrong person. And the wrong person is anyone who will require you to change the person you are. And in order to know that, it begins with you.

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