Sunday, January 08, 2006

A dream

I have had three dreams that have been what I have referred to previously here as “windows of the soul” (a Ken Gire term). One of these was Friday night. It came on the same weekend that our group at the Point begins a study on Galatians.

In my dream I was in heaven, awaiting judgment. I watched as God went from person to person, some welcomed into His joy, and others falling through the floor to hell. I remember being terrified at the certainty that I would be one of those people. I had not done enough. There was no way out, nothing that I could do. All of my worst fears were upon me. Perhaps I could ask forgiveness once more.

Then He came to me. All I could do is weep in shame over what I had done. I knew this was it. “I’m so sorry for not doing enough. I should have done more.” I was so afraid of what would surely happen. I could only hang my head dreading the inevitable.

He stretched His hand out, touched my face, looked me in the eye and said, “I have already done everything. You do not have to do anything.” There are not words to describe the relief of that moment. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. And yet at the same time, I realized that there really was nothing I could do. I am completely powerless. My eternal destination is in His hands. It is a sobering thought.

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