Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hope in time of panic

Biblical hope is certain, not wishful. We tend to use hope as a synonym for wish. I hope it rains tomorrow = I wish/would like it to rain tomorrow. That is not how the Bible uses the word. Biblical hope is certain, because it rests on the Person of God, who cannot lie, and the plan of God, which never fails. How do I know? I reflect on the past, on what God has done (remember Habakkuk?), to use as a basis for trust in what He will do. Or as my favorite professor says, "What God has done in the past is a model and a promise of what he will do in the future, but he's too creative to do the same thing the same way twice." Then I act in faith on that basis, choosing to love, choosing to trust, choosing to act in trust and love instead of fear. And I have certain hope. Because love never fails. Because God is trustworthy. Because His promises are certain. Because He is my salvation (this is the meaning of my name, Joshua).

My brother was at Target yesterday and spoke with a lady with five children whose husband was just laid off. Unfortunately, and I think this is probably true of many of us, my brother expressed sorrow for her loss, but didn't think anything further. The food at Target was out. It didn't occur to him to get her information so he or others could help. In times of distress, it is easy and natural for our focus to become very self-centered--do I have enough ___? We are so busy buying what we think we need that we miss the needs of others. We are only going out to buy our own essential items and forget that maybe we ought to be looking out for others.

How about offering hope to someone in need today? Or even someone who is not in need? Even an encouraging word. But be more concrete. If you know someone is in need and you are able to meet it, give it, buy it, share it, do it. Fellow Christians, be the hands and feet of Jesus--not virtually, but physically! Bear one another's burdens (Gal. 6:2). Have an open hand, not a closed fist.

Pastors, do what you can to meet with every one of your congregation, as frequently as you can. If you can't do so physically, call them!

Those employed, find someone who just lost their job and meet what needs you can of theirs. Share it with those around you so together you all can do so.

Those thinking about ordering food, pay extra for the food you receive, support your local diners and restaurants, give a larger tip, be sure to thank them!

If you are hoarding, stop! Share. Don't bulk up in your purchases. There is plenty.

For all of us, be thankful, be encouraging, be calm (and wash your hands). Pray, remembering that many (most?) times God uses people to answer the prayers for others. Maybe you are to be someone's answered prayer today.

Give hope.

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