Thursday, March 26, 2020

Exhortation to trust (Psalm 115)

Psalm 115 is one that praises God for the reality of His power and goodness, in contrast to the deafness of idols. It exhorts its readers to trust in God three times and reminds them that God has not forgotten, but will bless those who trust in Him.

The Psalm opens by asking God to glorify His name (115:1), not because of the ones praising Him, but on the basis of His character. God always acts with the purpose of magnifying and glorifying Himself. Salvation's ultimate purpose isn't us, it is for His glory.

The Psalmist continues by responding to a question the other nations are asking (v. 2-3): Where is God? Answer: He's in the heavens, doing whatever He pleases. In other words, He's working, but you may not (and indeed many times won't) see it. He's doing "God things".

To illustrate the point further, he contrasts God with idols (v. 4-8). This is a lovely listing of the senses and actions of God versus the idols. The idols themselves are the work of human hands (v. 4). God is doing "God things" while the idols are made by humans doing "human things". Some god these idols are! These idols are speechless, sightless, deaf, can't smell, can't feel, and can't walk (v. 5-7). Indeed, the Psalmist warns that those who make or trust in the idols will become like them! I become like the thing(s) I place my trust in.

Now for the threefold exhortation to trust in the Lord. It follows the form: "Oh ___, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield." (v. 9-11) I must trust in the Lord--He's actually capable of being a help and a shield, in contrast to a deaf-mute-blind-immovable-senseless thing.

In light of this, there is a threefold promise of blessing (v. 12-15) although blessing has a different meaning than prosperity and lack of trouble.

In light of all this, our response is to bless the Lord (v. 16-18). This is interesting. The Lord blesses Israel/Aaron/those who fear Him, and we will bless the Lord. The human things that I can do is to trust, bless, and praise the Lord. God will do His "God things". He can be trusted. He is our help and our shield.

So trust Him. Bless Him. And praise Him today. For He is your help and your shield.

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