Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hair Loss

About a year and a half ago I decided I wanted to do something about my hair loss (aside from using Rogaine, which didn't work well), so I made an appointment with Bosley, which is a hair transplant medical practice. It was a very interesting meeting with the two people I talked to, as they invoked several of the "influence" factors on me, such as reciprocity and consistency (referencing the Caldini Influence book). After discovering the tremendous amount of money I would need to spend not only up front, but for the rest of my life (taking pills, etc.), I decided against it.

The lesson I want to share with you is what I learned from this experience. Before, my hair loss was happening to me. After this meeting, my hair loss became my choice. It was so strange, but I no longer cared about losing my hair. I went home, shaved my head, and have been quite happy about it since. In fact, I tease myself all the time about it. Do you see the emphasis here? In my former state, it was something that I did not have any say over; in the latter, it became something I accepted and chose for my life.

Is there something in your life you are having a difficult time accepting? Is there a way to make it a matter of choice for you? You may find that doing so empowers you in a new way.

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