Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We studied God's Infinitude this last Sunday at the Point, and I have been thinking this week about what it means for God to be infinite. It is a difficult concept to grasp, and yet at the same time, the fact that we can even comprehend it tells us something. What I have been thinking about is heaven and how it relates to God being infinite.

What it means for God to be infinite is that in every attribute that He is, He is that attribute to its fullest expression. He is infinite love, infinite holiness, infinite grace, etc. Every attribute of God is without limit.

Have we considered that one reason that heaven will be for all eternity is because it will take us that long to get to know God? If God is infinite, then we can spend all eternity learning about Him and we will never come to the end of Him. He will always continue to amaze, surprise, and delight us. We will always discover more about Him. Heaven is heaven because God is there. What will fill us with wonder and delight is God Himself. He will be the ultimate treasure hunt that will last for all eternity!

I think we will be like children, delighted to hear the story of His redemption again, for each time we learn something deeper about Him. We will ask Him, as children often do, to "tell it again." And He will smile, pick us up, put us on His lap, and utter the words, "In the beginning…"

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