Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Grace for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

In reading a bit of commentary on Romans 9 last night, the choice of Isaac and Jacob in verses 6-13 was highlighted as a powerful message of the grace of God. Paul brings back up the discussion of Abraham and the promise (4:16-21)--this promise being a son from both Abraham and Sarah. Ishmael, although firstborn of Abraham, was not this son, because the promise was by faith, and Ishmael was an attempt by Abraham to fulfill that promise on his own. However, Sarah was long past the age of bearing children, being 90 years old when she had Isaac. Thus, it had to be by faith that Isaac came, as entirely a gracious gift from God. There was no way Abraham and Sarah were going to be able to create this child of promise on their own. If anything, Ishmael demonstrates a weakness of faith in Abraham and Sarah that they thought they might 'help God out' in producing a son. But God's purpose was not to be altered--the son had to come through both Abraham and Sarah, well beyond their ability, that it might be shown to all that it was by grace through faith.

And then we come to Isaac and Rebekah, who have twins, but God does something unusual--He picks the younger through whom the blessing would continue (Rom. 9:13). Paul makes a point to observe that neither twin had done anything; they were both still in their mother's womb when God chose Jacob over Esau. The point again is that it is God's choice and God's purpose (9:11b)--that this is God's grace that is acting, choosing, and creating. It isn't on the basis of works. Certainly Jacob isn't the hallmark of integrity--he's a deceiver and a trickster throughout the story. But that is the point, and what Paul is calling attention to here. God did this to show "God's purpose according to His choice... not because of works but because of Him who calls" (Rom. 9:11b).

My natural tendency is to keep trying to do something to somehow please God and made Him more inclined to be favorable to me. That is "the Law" mentality and one that the Christian has been set free from. But there are still habits of legalism in me that come up and this truth of grace and God's choice must continue to be pressed into me. Reading this section last night and this morning shows this powerful story of God's gracious choice of His own purposes and choice, not due to any actions on the part of these people. God's salvation has always been by grace through faith, and Paul through the Holy Spirit is showing us that truth! He chose Abraham and Sarah by His grace, He made Isaac by grace, and He chose Jacob by grace. The faith is that God can do what He has promised, although praise God their faith was imperfect, as an example to me, whose faith is also imperfect. God isn't looking for perfection. He will fulfill His purpose. By His grace. I believe He will. Do you?

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