Friday, September 03, 2010

A work chapter closes

So today is my last day at a company I have been at for just over 4 years.  I look back over the time here and consider myself so blessed and fortunate to have worked with such great people.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the work that I've done -- I am so privileged to have been able to do and work in what I love.  I am a computer nerd at heart and I love to solve problems, to work with the business in understanding their needs, and to address and solve those needs with the appropriate use of technology and software solutions.  I feel really sad about leaving, although I am excited about the new work opportunity that starts next week.  I've had great bosses, great co-workers, and the flexibility to create great technical solutions.

The job transition has not been easy.  I didn't expect that I would be changing jobs and going through a break-up at the same time.  The last couple of weeks have been a torrent of emotions.  The prayers and support of friends have been so invaluable and priceless that words are insufficient to express my gratitude to them.  I feel some nerves about leaving the familiar of the current job and going to the unfamiliar and the new.  It is really tough when both the work and personal life are in a state of change and turmoil, respectively.  I've been doing a lot of praying and leaning on friends lately and will be doing more of that as I start the new job.  I felt like at least having the familiar old job the last two weeks has helped a little with some of the break-up emotions and now the familiar has come to an end.  Nothing like a chance to really grow and stretch even more, way more than I expected when I accepted the new job.

I feel such a mix of emotions as this work chapter closes and a new one starts next week.  Sadness, anticipation, nervousness, excitement, worry, and trust.  It's been a good 4 years!

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